Jekyll on Windows Error
By dxartist, , 0 comments.

I'm not going to explain the process of setting up Jekyll in Windows. There are a lot of other blogs have already done it. I'm just trying to explain a common error we see while using Jekyll on Windows.

Whenever you are trying to build a jekyll site or editing the forked repository locally, you may face this issue.

C:\Users\rdquintas\Desktop\jek\zrq>jekyll build
Configuration file: C:/Users/rdquintas/Desktop/jek/zrq/_config.yml
            Source: C:/Users/rdquintas/Desktop/jek/zrq
       Destination: C:/Users/rdquintas/Desktop/jek/zrq/_site
  Liquid Exception: cannot load such file -- yajl/2.0/yajl in _posts/2014-05-21-

This may happen because of the incompatibility of Ruby version. Or there may not be pygments gem installed (This may happen even after installing pygments)

So the workaround for this issue is to change the highlighter option in _config.yml. If it is mentioned as pygments change it to rouge

This workaround should solve the problem.

Thanks for reading!